3 New Coffee Options!!

Posted by Mitchell Hamilton on

We are proud to offer three new options to our coffee lovers! All three are sourced from the Pacavita region of Honduras. These beans were organically grown, hand picked and sun dried on concrete patios, resulting in a very nice bean with  profile flavors consisting of sweet, citrus, lemon, cocoa, raisin and black cherry.

  • First we have our Reserva Pacavita. 
  • Second is the Reserva Pacavita Swiss Water Decaf. 99% decaf without the use of chemicals.
  • Last but not least is our Half Full Blend consisting of 50% regular Reserve Pacavita and 50% Reserve Pacavita Swiss Water Decaf, giving you the option of a afternoon or evening coffee that, while providing you with a pick me up, won't keep you up all night.

To learn more about these beans or the Swiss Water method of decaffeination check out our blog posts

Swiss Water Decaf! Better Decaf!

Honduras Reserva Pacavita

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