Breaking News!! New Teas Coming Soon!!!!

Posted by Courtney Friend on

Breaking News!! New Teas Coming Soon!!!!

All of us here at Combat Coffee + Tea are excited to announce the rollout of some great new teas. We have been hard at work creating some very exciting new blends and are moving away from bagged teas and are now going totally loose leaf.  The first 6 new teas that will be introduced in the next couple of weeks are ..... Black Tea - 3oz - Loose Leaf -   Our Black Tea is the completely oxidized leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Known in China as "red tea" because of its color after steeping, this black tea is full-flavored,...

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Semper Fi In July!!

Posted by Courtney Friend on

Semper Fi In July!!

It's a new month and as you know that means a new charity. This month Combat Coffee + Tea is supporting the Semper Fi Fund with up to 20% of our profits.  The Semper Fi Fund was created by a group of Marine Corps spouses in the beginning of 2004. Those same women still run the Semper Fi Fund joined by other spouses from all service branches and retired service members giving them intimate knowledge of the needs of our military families. They have been by injured and ill service members' sides from day one, helping them as they navigate lengthy recoveries and rejoin their communities....

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June Charity: Prostate Cancer Foundation

Posted by Mitchell Hamilton on

June Charity: Prostate Cancer Foundation

June is here and with it a new Combat Coffee + Tea charity. This month up to 20% of our profits will be going to the Prostate Cancer Foundation(PCF), 1 of only four months in which we step away from a military charity in order to support something that impacts us all. June 18th is Fathers Day which makes this a great month to support those who are funding research into the prevention and cure of the 3rd leading cause of cancer death in men in the U.S.  1 out of  7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime and 1...

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Beware The Dangers of Caffeine Deficiency Syndrome

Posted by Courtney Friend on

Beware The Dangers of Caffeine Deficiency Syndrome

Beware The Dangers of Caffeine Deficiency Syndrome!! Caffeine Deficiency Syndrome is no laughing matter. It affects millions of people every day who don't get their daily recommended dose of caffeine. The lack of proper caffeine levels in their system prevents them from functioning normally. Symptoms include:  Drowsiness Staring at walls The inability to tolerate others Laziness General irritability Loss of patience with morons Desire to punch something or someone Headache Depression Sleeping while upright Constipation Brain fog If you or a loved one are having any of these symptoms, know that you are not alone and that help is out there. Combat Coffee + Tea has...

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3 New Coffee Options!!

Posted by Mitchell Hamilton on

3 New Coffee Options!!

We are proud to offer three new options to our coffee lovers! All three are sourced from the Pacavita region of Honduras. These beans were organically grown, hand picked and sun dried on concrete patios, resulting in a very nice bean with  profile flavors consisting of sweet, citrus, lemon, cocoa, raisin and black cherry. First we have our Reserva Pacavita.  Second is the Reserva Pacavita Swiss Water Decaf. 99% decaf without the use of chemicals. Last but not least is our Half Full Blend consisting of 50% regular Reserve Pacavita and 50% Reserve Pacavita Swiss Water Decaf, giving you the option...

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