June Charity: Prostate Cancer Foundation

Posted by Mitchell Hamilton on

June is here and with it a new Combat Coffee + Tea charity.

This month up to 20% of our profits will be going to the Prostate Cancer Foundation(PCF), 1 of only four months in which we step away from a military charity in order to support something that impacts us all.

June 18th is Fathers Day which makes this a great month to support those who are funding research into the prevention and cure of the 3rd leading cause of cancer death in men in the U.S.  1 out of  7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime and 1 in 39 will die  from it.

Those who are active duty military personnel are twice as likely to develope prostate cancer as their civilian counterparts and it is 70% more common and 2.4 times more likely to be fatal in African-American males.

Prostate Cancer Foundation was founded in 1993 when Micheal Milken, following his personal battle with prostate cancer, became discouraged by the lack of funding for research and the roadblocks that were in place in the research grant application process.  Since that time it has become the leading philanthropic organization funding and accelerating prostate cancer research around the world. Since its founding, PCF has raised more than $700 million and provided funding to more than 2,000 research programs at more than 200 cancer centers and universities.  The Prostate Cancer Foundations efforts have helped produce a 20-fold increase in government funding for prostate cancer. Their mission is to cure prostate cancer once and for all. To find out more visit PCF.org

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